Monday, June 6, 2011

2010 ACM Awards - A Glance at Gender

I've posted today in Scientopia about a glance at gender for the 2010 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Awards. The ACM is our major professional organization in Computer Science.


  1. Broken link ahoy! Looks as though the shortened version of the URL got linked to; the post is reachable from the 'The Difference Engine' page, though. :)

  2. What percentage of FCS's are eligible for such awards? (I'm guessing a higher percentage than got them) I see the same problem in geosciences.... I guess we just have to wait until the old, white dudes start to die off!

  3. Anonymous - Probably a pretty high percentage. ACM is an international organization that stems both industry and academia. It's only in Western countries we see this large lack of women in STEM fields; things aren't as stark in many other places.

  4. Great posts, and great blog! Check out our new blog, "Chick, Filleted" -- we're trying to penetrate the indifference, too.
